Sunapee is coming. This is my biggest event of the year, 9 days starting August 6, ath the Mount Sunapee Resort in NH. I won't elaborate on the details of the event here, go to and find out all about it.
But the point is that I am pressing ahead full steam to get ready. Lots of projects that were begun months ago and not quite finished, well, not they are being completed. I will show up at Sunapee with a full complement of lamps and accessories.I got out my Sunapee postcards to my mailing list a week ago. It is hard to believe that I now have over 2500 names on that list. They are all people who have either bought something from me in the past (maybe 80% of the list), or have specifically asked to be put on the list for future reference. Sunapee is the only time I mail to everyone -- when I do other shows during the year, I use a portion of the list related to the general location of that show. If you are reading this and would like to be added to the mailing list, let me know.
And of course, Summer means that there are lots of other things going on. In my last blog, I mentioned that I would be going to the Balsams Hotel, and that was a wonderful experience once again. This was my 11th straight year there, and this time my display area was moved to the main lobby of the hotel. This was a much better space: more visible, better traffic flow, cooler air, and generally more attractive. Business was good at the Balsams, and I got a lot of work done on a set of smaller shades. You just would not believe the spot on the patio where I run my demonstration, there is probably no more beautiful "office" view in the world. I have a view over the incredible gardens, up over Lake Gloriette, and right into Dixville Notch itself.
My relationship with New London Inn has continued to develop (read my first blog to know more about that). The visibility of all my lamps in that location has led to a number of sales, and I feel sure that this will continue over the summer and beyond. If you have the opportunity to eat at the Inn, I recommend it highly -- not only for the lighting, but the meals too are wonderful.